What a great driver you will make!



                In the last module, we are allowed to go far from the horizons; we are assigned to design an educational game. In order to choose our game idea, we had to some brainstorming. It seems that there are numerous topics that we can design games about. In fact, I decided rapidly to choose traffic, since we have countless problems in Egypt related to traffic. In addition, car accidents have increased seriously. Frankly, everyone knows that rules of traffic are not applied sufficiently, so I thought that solving this problem lies in spreading awareness among people, since they are actually the cornerstone in solving this problem. 


                 Firstly, our game simply targets all people whether they are educated or not educated; it targets all the social layers, age standards, and educational standards. In other words, we could assure that the game is designed for all people. Secondly, the game purpose is spreading awareness amid people about traffic, how traffic happens, how we can avoid traffic even how to take proper decisions in certain situations. Indeed, the game attempts to imitate many crucial situations drivers face every day! To illustrate, a father has to attend his son’s graduation party from primary school, but the route is too crowed that he cannot attend on time to see his son. The crucial situation is that he can attend the party, but it only would happen if he takes a shortcut way; the shortcut way cannot be reached unless he drives 100 meters with an opposite direction to the supposed direction! The example shows one of the crucial situations drivers face. The game will consist of eight crucial situations. 

                   How can we play it? It is pretty easy; you only have to choose a character, a truck driver, an adult, or a teenager. Then, you are supposed to react and to answer some questions. These questions are simply the challenges are the situations that you may face while driving, especially in Egypt. The game also provides a bonus question; the bonus question basically could be solved by identifying one of the traffic signs. I am really eager to add this part, since many people cannot identify many of the traffic signs. 

                 Indeed, the game provides players with statistics and facts about traffic and accidents after each challenge or situation they finish. To be more interesting, I will put ten points for choosing the right decision for each challenge or situation.

      Players who get more than seventy points will get a privilege certificate, mentioning that they are really respectful drivers, who appreciate the rules. Secondly, players who get between forty to seventy are believed to get a certificate after the game, which asserts that they are good drivers, but they have to pay attention to facts and statistics showed by the game in order to be more rational while driving. In addition, players who get between twenty to forty are assumed to get a warning, since they have shown less concern about others while driving; they can drive, but they have to acquire more concern about others, may facts shown by the game help them in doing so. Finally, players who get less than twenty are not allowed to drive even a bike! They have showed no sense of rational thinking; I simply do not know how they got a driving license. Players in this category must bear in mind others lives while driving; they must take the facts and statistics into consideration or they will be imprisoned!  At last, I believe it will be a nice game, hope everyone like it!


One thought on “What a great driver you will make!

  1. Sounds interesting! Looking forward to seeing how you would place the situations in front of the players and also how you would give them feedback on what was a good or a bad way to go…e.g. how would they get a traffic ticket?

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